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linux상에서 패스워드 없이 sudo 사용


Title: Simple NOPASSWD sudoers syntax example required


 I require my user 'www' to run the command '/sbin/service crond restart' without having to use the root password.
How do I write this in /etc/sudoers?

 Thank you






I did that, but when I run

www> sudo /sbin/service  crond restart

I get this error:
sudo: must be setuid root

I used visudo to make a /etc/sudoers, which looks like this:

Host_Alias     LOCAL =
root    ALL=(ALL) ALL
www     LOCAL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/service crond restart

[유저이름]  ALL= NOPASSWD:"실행시키고 싶은 명령어"

What am I doing wrong?


출처 : http://www.experts-exchange.com/Security/Linux_Security/Q_21975040.html




sudo 사용하여 일반계정에서 어떤 특정한 명령어를 루트계정을 실행시킬때

패스워드 없이 ( 일반적으로 자동으로 실행시킬때 필요했다.) 사용하려고 하였다.


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